Description -The Organic Certified farm has been under organic certification for the past 10+ years and is in an unrestricted irrigation area, allowing pumping as long as the water is put to beneficial use. The farm is served by 4 irrigation wells and about 700 to 1,000 acres are farmed in conventional row-crop manner at one time, allowing for the required rest and crop rotation needed to qualify for organic production. This hfarm has successfully produced Pima (Extra Long Staple Cotton), Upland Cotton, Green and Jalapeno Chili, Garbanzo beans, Pasta Wheat, Various lettuce and green leafy vegetables.
Location -The property is located in Maricopa County, 21 miles west of Wickenburg, AZ and 1 mile south of Highway 60, on the east side of 491st Av.
The farm consists of 40 deeded acres (APN 506-07-015) located in Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 32, and the 1,880 acres of Arizona State Agricultural Lease No 01- 1199 located in Sections 29 (640 ac), 31 (320 ac), 32 (600 ac), and the North Vi of Section 33 (320 ac), all in Township 7 North, Range 8 West, of the Gila and Salt River Base and Meridian, Maricopa County Arizona.
Irrigation -Irrigation water is supplied by irrigation wells via concrete irrigation ditches and pump back systems located on the farm. Approximately 741.1 acres are currently under drip irrigation, with another 165.1 to be installed this year for a total of 906.2 acres of drip irrigated farmland. Irrigation runs are 800 Ft.
Improvements -The improvements on the deeded land consist of a cattle feedlot, shops and offices. Farm Service Agency (FSA), USDA reports the following: Farmland: 1,461.0 ac.